
Week 1 Live Session

Page history last edited by ElizabethA 8 years ago


Week 1 Live Session 

Using Wikis in Education



Guest speaker : Jose Antonio da Silva.

Moderators present : Ayat Tawel

message from ElizA

ICT4ELT participants who attended the session live :

Alina Stangret (Ukraine)

Aloisia Sens (Germany)

Ana-Mari Genjec (Croatia)

Larisa Ishchenko (Ukraine)

Margaret Jones (North Carolina)

Marija Huzjak-Saban (Croatia)

Monica Leong (Canada)

Svitlana Kuzmych (Ukraine) 

Tiziana Angiolini (Italy)


Recording of the full session :

The Recording of Live Session  is available now. You might need to download blackboard collaborate. For help, check instructions here




A video tutorial on how to watch a recorded session is here


And you can also watch the You Tube recording below :




Screenshots from the session:







Here are all the slides 



Here's the chat log :



00:07 to: Jose Antonio (JA) [Brasilia - Brazil] #2

We are not speaking


00:41 to: Marija Huzjak-Saban [Croatia]

Hi Tiziana!


01:18 to: Tiziana  Angiolini [ITALY]

Hello Marija!


01:47 to: Session Leader



01:48 to: Margaret Jones [Raleigh, North Carolina]



01:48 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]



01:50 to: Aloisia sens [Germany]



01:50 to: Larisa Ishchenko [Odessa, Ukraine]



01:51 to: Marija Huzjak-Saban [Croatia]



05:35 to: Session Leader



05:36 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]

hmmm...I don't know


05:36 to: Margaret Jones [Raleigh, North Carolina]



05:42 to: Aloisia sens [Germany]



06:05 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]

Pretty Basic?


06:32 to: Session Leader



07:50 to: Session Leader

Wikis as a tool for collaboration


09:35 to: Session Leader

The history option in wikis are great , and can save everything !!


12:10 to: Session Leader

If you have any questions, you can post them here in the chat and Jose will answer them at the end ;)


12:59 to: Alina Stangret [Chernivtsi, Ukraine]

Are there any projects running on Wiki now?


15:17 to: Session Leader

All our sesion materials are in a wiki. You will have a chance to edit a wiki we created for you after live sessions. You can add your comments there after the session and explore it more


15:41 to: Margaret Jones [Raleigh, North Carolina]

question for the end...do you have any tips for good getting started guide(s) on Wikis?


21:16 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]

Sorry I misunderstood you about the IMBED CODE...what was that about?


22:10 to: Session Leader

We're going to learn more about embed codes in week two and three when we create videos and presentations


22:18 to: Margaret Jones [Raleigh, North Carolina]

How easy is it to create and control "classes" so it's kept separate from public info?


23:16 to: Session Leader

@Margaret, we have a very useful Help page where you can find resources for everything you need http://ict4elt2017.pbworks.com/w/page/113573842/Help%20Page


23:29 to: Aloisia sens [Germany]

So you always use obworks for your Wikis


23:38 to: Aloisia sens [Germany]

Do you


30:42 to: Session Leader



33:20 to: Session Leader

Do young learners find it easy to edit wikis and add their posts ? Which did they find easier; wikispaces or Pbworks ?


33:36 to: Session Leader

Hi Ana-Maria


34:32 to: Session Leader

Tutorials and support is essential at the beginning


34:53 to: Session Leader

Yeah, I thought so too


35:18 to: Session Leader

Pbworks look more friendly user for me !!


38:05 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]

When changes are made on the wiki, do you need to "approve" them before they are publicly visible?


38:16 to: Ana-Mari Gnjec [Croatia]



38:22 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]

(Does the moderator need to approve them?)


38:50 to: Session Leader

Hi Ana-Maria :)


39:04 to: Session Leader

Margaret was aking earlier : How easy is it to create and control "classes" so it's kept separate from public info?


39:37 to: Session Leader

Private wikis


39:42 to: Ana-Mari Gnjec [Croatia]

Hi, had trouble with entering


40:03 to: Session Leader

No problem AnaMaria, glad you could make it


40:11 to: Alina Stangret [Chernivtsi, Ukraine]

Do you give marks for students wikis? How do you motivate them to participate?


41:16 to: Margaret Jones [Raleigh, North Carolina]

I teach adults and they all use smart phones. We only go to the computer lab once a week. How easy is it to collaborate on mobile devices?


42:17 to: Session Leader

Jose is an iPad/mobile expert, he's presenting now from a mobile. So, I guess it works from a mobile device !


43:12 to: Session Leader

Great, so you can edit Pbworks from a mobile device now !!


45:07 to: Margaret Jones [Raleigh, North Carolina]

Are there apps or is it via a browser?


46:55 to: Larisa Ishchenko [Odessa, Ukraine]



47:14 to: Session Leader

So, don't worry if you mess up


48:10 to: Session Leader

If you have a question, you can use the mic and ask, or write it here in the chat


48:22 to: Margaret Jones [Raleigh, North Carolina]

How does this compare with other social media tools?


49:37 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]

In general, how do you find this impacts your f2f time in classes? Do you use wikis as an ADDITION to everything else you do in class or as a DIFFERENT way of doing things in class?


49:58 to: Session Leader

Would you like to use the mic Monica?


49:59 to: Larisa Ishchenko [Odessa, Ukraine]

Jose, can we say that Edmodo platform is a wiki?


51:09 to: Session Leader

I would consider Edmodo more of a blogging / social media tool, as it's more interactive. What do you think Jose ?


51:40 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]

Do you have experience, or know of experiences, of using wikis with literacy level learners?


52:10 to: Session Leader

We're going to use Edmodo in week 4;)


53:27 to: Session Leader



54:36 to: Session Leader

Hi Margaret


58:49 to: Session Leader



59:30 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]

I'll be interested in exploring the idea of how writing online is possibly a slightly different process than writing on paper...I'll think about that and maybe comment on it in the participant wiki la


59:30 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]

ter... :)


1:00:05 to: Session Leader

Great Monica, loking forward to your ideas ;)


1:00:25 to: Session Leader

Any other questions ?


1:00:46 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]

Not right now...I have much to think about tho~!


1:01:07 to: Marija Huzjak-Saban [Croatia]

Thanks! Bye everybody! :)


1:01:08 to: Larisa Ishchenko [Odessa, Ukraine]

Thanks a lot!


1:01:17 to: Jose Antonio (JA) [Brasilia - Brazil] #2

Thanks a lot


1:01:19 to: Margaret Jones [Raleigh, North Carolina]

Terrific. Thank you!


1:01:37 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]

Thanks very much for this! See you on the wiki and at the next live session. Thanks JA and Ayat


1:01:46 to: Alina Stangret [Chernivtsi, Ukraine]

Thank you!


1:02:01 to: Ana-Mari Gnjec [Croatia]

Thank you, bye


1:02:06 to: Monica Leong [Calgary, Canada]







Back to the live sessions page 



Comments (37)

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 12:21 pm on Jan 6, 2017

Dear participants, please add your comments to the session here. Remember you will have to have an account at Pbworks, ask permission to join in, and be logged in to comment.

Margaret Jones said

at 2:07 pm on Jan 10, 2017

A helpful introduction. Thanks. Looking forward to trying this out and creating wikis for my classes.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 2:19 pm on Jan 10, 2017

Thanks a lot Margaret. Your questions were very helpful. Good luck with your wikis. Just cry for help if you need.

alina1234567 said

at 2:08 pm on Jan 10, 2017

I have created wiki several years ago but it's empty. Your wiki page looked a bit different. I an still puzzled how to navigate it.
Thank you for you live session. You really applied lots of efforts to implement it.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 2:20 pm on Jan 10, 2017

You are welcome Alina,
I am sure you will learn a bit more about wikis in the coming weeks. I am always available to answer any questions you might have.

Ana-Mari Gnjec said

at 2:16 pm on Jan 10, 2017

Hi. Unfortunately I missed the first half an hour of the session. Will there be any replays or transcripts?

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 2:21 pm on Jan 10, 2017

Hello Ana-Mari,
We will be posting the recording to this page a little later.

Larisa said

at 3:54 pm on Jan 10, 2017

The session was very informative and helpful. I liked Jose's presentation and the way he delivered the explanation of the material. Thank you for your tip of creating passwords for YL!
Unfortunately, last year I couldn't create a free wiki at pbworks, even Elizabeth helped me. The same thing has happened this year. Nevertheless, my students and I use Wikispaces.
At the session Jose mentioned Padlet. It's one of my favourite tools for sharing files, links,etc.
Jose, I'd like to add, you're a fantastic teacher! Lucky are your students!
Thank you very much!

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 4:43 pm on Jan 10, 2017

Hi Larissa,
Thanks a lot for your kind words. I am so glad the session was useful to you. Maybe I can give a try in helping you to create a PBworks wiki later. Padlet is really cool.

Larisa said

at 5:51 pm on Jan 10, 2017

Thanks a lot!

Aloisia Sens said

at 5:50 am on Jan 11, 2017

Thanks a lot for the session. As "wiki newcomer" I got a lot of input and I'm very curious amd excited to try working with wikis in my classes at university especially for my students' work with their partners in France. Lots of links were given during the session. Is it possible to post them here in the comments again? This would be great!

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 9:53 am on Jan 11, 2017

Hi Aloísia, thanks for being there. Wikis are great for collaborative projects. So, it will probably work for this project with students in France. When you open your wiki, just remember you can always count on us for help and advice. We will sure share those links here. I will just have to have access to a computer.
Have a great day

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 12:57 pm on Jan 11, 2017

Hi Aloisia,
Now, as you can see, the links are all in the chat log. We will be sharing more links and ideas about wikis in Weeks 2 and 3. So, stay tuned.

Aloisia Sens said

at 10:40 am on Jan 14, 2017

Thanks, I'm looking forward to creating my first wiki. As my French colleague participates in the Flipped learning session (as I do ) we hope to discover wikis together working together on a project.

Marija said

at 6:53 am on Jan 11, 2017

Marija Huzjak-Saban
Thanks Jose a lot for the session. I've heard you talking about it before, but you know every time you hear something new and interesting. I work with teenagers and my school is pretty poor with technology, so I somehow prefer using Edmodo in my classes. It’s easier for me and the students. But, who knows, maybe I’ll try with some classes where the Internet access is reliable.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 9:58 am on Jan 11, 2017

Hi Marija,
Thanks a lot for your kind words. We never stop learning, do we? I also just love Edmodo. This thing of tool is sometimes very personal. We all tend to prefer one tool over some other and it's great like this because we can always learn from each other. It is always fantastic to have alternatives.

Sophie Cholewka said

at 8:58 pm on Jan 11, 2017

Thank you Jose for revisiting Wikis. I found the session very useful. Now I understand the distinctin between Wikispaces and Pbworks. Great tip on clicking on History to undo messed up stuff. Creating accounts for your students = priceless as we are always struggling with forgotten passwords. The projects as presented seem like a great idea. My students create PowerPoint presentations for their oral presentations which is part of their course. Now we will be able to upload them to a Wiki for everyone to see as sharing/publishing is the key to success.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 11:45 am on Jan 12, 2017

Hi Sophie,
I am really glad you found the session useful. We will sure see a bit more on wikis in the coming days. Your idea of sharing students' ppt is fantastic. You can even encourage them to use slideshare, for example, which will make the pots interactive and more appealing. If you upload the presentations to Google slides you can also embed the the presentation on the wiki as I did above. In this case, no upload to the wiki, no storage usage. You can also create the presentations in Google Slides. Lots of options.

Marina said

at 12:51 pm on Jan 12, 2017

Hi Jose,
I've just watched You Tube recording of the session. Thank you for sharing ideas how to benefit from using wiki. I find wiki really helpful for collaborative tasks. I used it for creating my TEA Program portfolio. I used wiki as a platform for sharing students' ideas, creating collaborative writing and discussing pros and cons to make a collaborative decision on disputable topics. Your presentation made me think of using wiki as a space for collaborative project both for my students and my colleagues.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 1:22 pm on Jan 12, 2017

Hi Marina,
I was happy to know you already use wikis and that the presentation also inspired you to engage in other projects. I am really a big fan of the collaborative power of wikis.

Marie said

at 4:44 pm on Jan 12, 2017

Thanks a lot for this session and bearing with me when I could not find it!!!!!!! :)
I've just watched the You Tuve recording of the session and have never used a wiki for my students (only Edmodo, eTwinning, padlet, ...) but you have made me want to try wikis because they are more versatile than what I use!
Thank you!!!!!!

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 5:00 pm on Jan 12, 2017

Thanks Marie,
I am really happy you liked it. Wikis are really versatile. Despite being using them for almost ten years now, I still discover new uses for them. Looking forward to the results of your trials.

Béatrice H. Alves said

at 9:24 am on Jan 13, 2017

Thank you for this excellent review of pbworks and how wikis can be used. I've been using a wiki for a few years to put some of the material I use during my online one-to-one classes (videos, pictures, articles, audios, quizzes...), which allows me to teach from anywhere, even if I don't have my own device. I also assign some pages as homework whether after classes or before if I use a flipped teaching. As you mentioned Jose Antonio, I love the flexibility, the reversibility and how much you can put on it.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 10:36 am on Jan 13, 2017

Hi Beartrice,
Very good to read about how you use wikis. As you said, you can use them for years as they realiable and stable. I will probably open one like yours for my one to one classes. Thanks for the tip.

elisabetegomes said

at 1:36 pm on Jan 13, 2017

The Live session seems to have been quite interesting. It's a pity I couldn't attend it as I had classes. Still, the recording about Wikis and their advantages is quite informative. Also very helpful the hint about Help Page.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 6:05 am on Jan 15, 2017

Hi Elsabete,
Although the recordings are generally of very good quality, they do not replace the interaction that happens between participants and presenter in a live event. Nonetheless, even the recording serve as a learning opportunity once it allows for reflection and sparkles some great ideas.

valentine ezike said

at 6:26 pm on Jan 13, 2017

Watching a recording of the live session makes me realise the much a class of any size can do with wiki. it is really a fun and participatory way to learn that is free and accomodative of every learner. Great.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 6:01 am on Jan 15, 2017

Hello Valentine,
That is true, wikis are very flexible and can do wonders in terms of connecting learners and harnessing collaboration. I am glad you liked the session.

Tiziana Angiolini said

at 7:36 pm on Jan 13, 2017

Hi Jose!
I watched the whole session which took place this week. It was a nice overview of the many possibilities such tools offer us. I have worked online with WIKIS as it was used also last year with the EVO SESSION 2016 dealing with CLIL but we were only sharing materials. What you made us see was a great platform where you provided content for your learners and they were " active learners". I really enjoyed your website about literature and I must confess that I would like to do something similar with some classes I am teaching now.
I have just begun my wiki on PBWORKS and I will think about some activities I would like to do with my students. Right now I am interested in listening as I am doing the other session about TEACHING LISTENING so I may use some resources I have just learnt about .
Thanks a lot for the great session.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 6:02 am on Jan 15, 2017

Hi Tiziana,
Sorry for the late reply. I find it so interesting that you are already connecting what you have learned in this session with the things you want to implement as a follow up to the other one you are taking. Most definitely, wikis are great to work with literature and listening. Some of the tools we will explore on Week 2 will surely give some ideas on how to create listening segments to embed into your wiki.
Looking forward to seeing your wiki. Just remember that you can count on us for help any time.

Pushpanagini Sripada said

at 3:39 am on Jan 15, 2017

I watched the whole session, created Pbworks page for myself. I wonder wikis are free or not

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 6:17 am on Jan 15, 2017

Hi Pushpanagini,
Congratulations on taking the initiative of creating a wiki. That's is the way to go about it. Yes, wikis are free. When creating one, you will just have to choose the "for education" option. It's important to bear in mind that the free version has a limited storage capacity.

Pascale Muselle said

at 12:01 pm on Jan 15, 2017

I have just watched the recorded video on wikis and I would like to thank Jose for his thought-provoking presentation.
Even though I like using ICT in my teaching, I must admit that I have never used wikis and had no idea it could open so many possible perspectives in my teaching. I look forward to sharing my first steps into wikis.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 6:57 pm on Jan 15, 2017

Hi Pascale,
I am so glad to know that the session made you think about other possibilities for using this resourceful tool. We are also looking forward to your sharing and we are sure will lots from you.

Monica Leong said

at 5:06 pm on Jan 17, 2017

Thanks for the first live session last week Jose Antonio and others.
It's funny how being introduced to something like this can change the way you think about things - in my regular (i.e. non-teacher) life, I do some volunteering with groups of people and we are always struggling to get people together for meetings and mini=training sessions, etc. After this session, I am now thinking of how we could do so much more with ongoing, in-depth communication with each other using tools such as wikis! JA, you may have started something that will snowball for me into many more areas of my life! :) lol Thank you!

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 6:29 am on Jan 19, 2017

Hi Monica,
That's great news for us. It is good to hear that you were so inspired by our first live session. Yes, wikis are good way of building a community. It's collaborative potential can really transform lives. Please let us know of your progress and contact us for assistance if you need.

efzoniou@gmail.com said

at 10:45 am on Jan 21, 2017

Thank you for the useful session and for answering my questions.
From what I gathered, you would recommend PBworks rather than wikispaces for a start?

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