
Mobile Learning Activities

Page history last edited by Sophie Cholewka 8 years ago


After reading the article on Mobile Learning by Nicky Hockly and becoming familiar with SAMR framework for implementing mobile learning, please jot down some ideas for activities that you might do with your learners using mobile devices. The chart below categorizes what kind of activity you can have in class.  Please click on EDIT and add your ideas to the chart. When you are done, click on SAVE on the bottom left.





Name  Description of mobile activity  SAMR Category  
José Antônio /Brazil Students  in class use text message in a social network group to make a chain story  and use emoticons to express emotions.  Augmentation
Pascale Muselle
Students at home use Quizzlet to revise their vocabulary or grammar rules and then can use Wordle or free crosswords online to create their own cards or crossword grids or mindmaps.
Substitution and augmentation
Pascale Muselle
Students participate in a treasure hunt or a crime mystery by tracking the QR-codes spread within the classroom or the school
Marina Leonova  A teacher provides a link for students to read a story at home and answer some questions, then they write their opinion about the story and upload it to the class wiki.  Substitution and augmentation 
Marina Leonova 

A class is divided into 2 teams and each team create their own webquest with the help of QR-codes provided by the teacher.


Tiziana Angiolini   Students work in different groups to present  their country to other students living abroad and  provide information about  their culture ( music/literature/ cooking/language or/and dialects): for each group the final output is  a combination of  video/audio/ images and a text which they have prepared . The final presentation can be shared online and embedded in  wikis, the school website . I like the ideas of having all the students working together and working with different technologies and  use the target language in texts and also in audio presentations.     Modification 
Fasquel Marie-Hélène
I ask my students to make their own videos (ted style videos) in order to share their point of view and ideas on literature.
Efrossini Zoniou
During rehearsals for the school play students audio or, better still, video record  their performance. The recordings are then heard or viewed in class and comments are made for improvement. New recordings are made, taking the suggestions into account and discussed again till the performance is considered satisfactory
substitution and augmentation
Efrossini Zoniou
A research project documented with pictures, audios and videos is made into a video or slideshow presentation, which is projected on a large screen and presented to parents on a special day. The production can be uploaded to the school?class wiki / blog /website
augmentation (or is this redefintion?)
Efrossini Zoniou
Pupils record themselves reciting a literary text or poem repeatedly to monitor and fine-tune their performance. They also research and devise a visual presentation/re-creation of the text or poem. Eventually they shoot a video  with their recitation as sound background.
Elisabete Gomes  Students are challenged to prepare for a debate and are given Qr codes with links to pages that may be of use. Different ones for each team another for moderators and yet another one for journalists etc. I have just used and it was a success. Students loved it.  
Alina Stangret  A teacher creates a web quest for students based on the revision of the topics, they have previously learnt. The task presupposes the ability to seek for the additional information in the Net and practicing the ability to cooperate modification 
Aloisia Sens
Students using for example Glogster to introduce their partners abroad while integrating audio and video files. To get the required information they eiter use whats app, facebook, google hang out or skype . 

Heba Alsayyad

During a writing homework task, a number of students pool ideas through using a Facebook/twitter chat group in the brainstorming stage sharing pics, videos or even asking questions. The teacher's role at this point is confined to facilitating the discussion without much intervention, yet s/he can draw the attention to some points if needed.  The students later start to write individually. When they finish, each pair can exchange their answers by typing or sending snapshots of their works to have peer feedback discussion. Once they rewrite the answers-of course after improving them-they send them to the instructor for teacher feedback.

Substitution  and augmentation
Sophie Cholewka
One of the activities I do with my students using mobile phones is using an app for transport PTV (Public Transport Victoria). We have regular school excursions and before we go out, in pairs they work out the times, trains to catch. Then they use TodaysMeet to reach the consensus with the whole group.
Substutution and augmentation



Comments (10)

alina1234567 said

at 2:18 am on Jan 10, 2017

Alina Stangret(Ukraine) I used the application "Socrative" downloaded on my students' phones. It's very useful for the teacher to create tests and conduct formative assessment among them.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 9:19 am on Jan 15, 2017

Hi Alina,
I also like Socrative. We do have it installed on the schools tablets, but I have not used it very often

elisabetegomes said

at 3:56 pm on Jan 14, 2017

So far, all I have used with students is vocabulary, dictionary apps and Google as tools. But I must say that students were quite resistant to the use of dictionary apps, which surprised me a lot! Dictionary and vocab apps are used as substitution tools but I beliece using Google for research on a topic and presentation in class makes possible what could only be done by using several computers in the classroom.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 9:22 am on Jan 15, 2017

Hi Elisabete,
Sometimes it's surprising to see how some learners are resistant to change. We do have to be the instigators of changes in a learning culture many times.

efzoniou@gmail.com said

at 7:29 pm on Jan 16, 2017

I could not agree more with you, Jose. I was surprised to find out how little my students use their PCs, tablets or smartphones for learning outcomes. And I find they are very reluctant to accept new ways of working. We do have to be willing to blaze trails sometimes. Unfortunately in my context I face difficulties as the policy of the school is rather rigid in what it allows you to do.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 8:38 pm on Jan 16, 2017

Hi Efrossini,
You so right about needing to change students' mindset, but above all we also need to change the institutions ' themselves. However, the most effective and lasting change has to be bottom up, starting from students and teachers. We do have to start small and get everyone involved little by little.

efzoniou@gmail.com said

at 4:35 pm on Jan 27, 2017

Jose, you speak gold!

Aloisia Sens said

at 12:21 pm on Jan 17, 2017

I used "Kahoot" in a French advanced class for a listening comprehension. It was great!! Students (between 20 and 25 years old) had lots of fun doing the exercice/ game. I enjoyed myself watching them. Normally while offering "traditional" comprehension tests, they try to work in teams. Using Kahoot, everybody wants to be the winner - so no team building.

Sophie Cholewka said

at 5:51 am on Jan 20, 2017

One of the activities I do with my students using mobile phones is using an app for transport PTV (Public Transport Victoria). We have regular school excursions and before we go out, in pairs they work out the times, trains to catch. Then they use TodaysMeet to reach the consensus with the whole group.

efzoniou@gmail.com said

at 11:12 am on Jan 20, 2017

I would appreciate comments on my labelling of the activities I suggested according to the SAMR model. I am not alsways sure of the boundaries between each sub-category

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